Yes, we know, we can’t believe another year is almost over, but with that means a bright new start with lots of exciting ...
The Procolored F13 Panda L1800 is a dedicated DTF printer aimed at enthusiasts and entrepreneurs looking to customize ...
Audi established the premium compact segment with the A3 in 1996. The fourth generation of the successful model is now receiving an update that – along with a sportier appearance – includes new design ...
The shift toward electrification is upending that paradigm, however. In the future, odd-numbered models like the A3, A5, and A7 will continue to use gasoline powertrains. Models with even numbers ...
快科技11月2日消息,昨晚,新奥迪A3正式上市,共推出4款车型,限时惊喜价区间为16.59-19.39万元。 此番上市的为第四代奥迪A3的中期改款车型 ...
11月1日,一汽奥迪新奥迪A3(配置|询价)家族正式上市,新车提供A3 Sportback和A3L Limousine两种款式共四个版本选择,官方指导价16.59万元-19.39万元。