The Unit 9 School Board on Dec. 17 heard about several activities and events being conducted within the district.
With kids facing record-high anxiety levels, technology taking over classrooms, and public education caught in political ...
Until The Roxie Douglas Learning Institute is ready, God has Blessed the Institute to start classes on Jan. 7, 2025, at First ...
Alice Ohliger, a big-hearted Lakeside Elementary student, has created warming kits for those in need. They're free at the ...
When two teachers tie the knot, you can expect their students to play a special role-and that's exactly what happened at ...
Sarai, 9, attends Westside Elementary School and after school, she makes robots and learns through STEM activities thanks to ...
The Port Angeles Education Foundation has awarded SPICE grants totaling $70,830 to educators throughout the Port Angeles School District.
Besides working with kids in grades K-6 on literacy and reading intervention, she also organizes free books for youngsters ...