Researchers at the Institute of Science Tokyo, in collaboration with Yokohama National University, Nippon Nuclear Fuel ...
Scientists are making fusion energy—a cleaner, nearly limitless power source—more practical by developing materials that can ...
Researchers explored protective coatings to resist corrosion in fusion reactors. They tested -Al2O3 oxide layers on ODS ...
推荐划重点,粉体表征技术在陶瓷粉体生产中有多重要! 中国粉体网讯 高品质的先进陶瓷制品离不开高质量的粉体材料,而不同的粉体有着不完全相同的表征项目与指标。比如对于α-Al2O3粉体 ...
In a study published in the journal Corrosion Science, researchers explored protective coatings to advance corrosion ...
A recent article published in Ceramics explored the use of pure water as a transient liquid for cold sintering processing ...