淘宝百亿补贴上线了“索尼全家福”页面,其中PS5 Pro补贴后的售价仅为3599元,但该补贴需要玩家抢领。
近日有网友发帖称,自己为PS5 Pro配了个二手光驱,但是却不能正常使用,无法将更多光盘驱动器注册到PS5,于是他便发起求助。
If you've been looking for the PS5 Slim Fortnite Cobalt Star Edition bundle, there is good news: the special edition console ...
The Sony PlayStation 5 Slim Digital Edition was originally launched at Rs 44,990, now listed at Rs 40,990. In addition, ...
在知名游戏论坛 NeoGAF 上,一位用户发起了一项投票,询问玩家对索尼最差一代游戏机的看法。结果显示, PS5 以超过69%的得票率高居榜首,成为玩家心目中表现最差的一代 PlayStation 主机。与之相比,PS1仅获得1.5%的投票,PS2为1.8%,PS3为25%,PS4为2.4%。值得注意的是,在此之前,人们普遍认为PS3时期是游戏行业的低谷之一,但现在玩家们却认为PS5的表现甚至更差 ...
Lovers of the PlayStation franchise looking to try out the current-gen consoles have a wonderful opportunity to do so now.
Someone is going to win a Sansui OLED TV and a PlayStation 5 to go with it. Here's how you can put your name in the hat.
FOLLOWING the disastrous announcement of the extremely expensive PS5 Pro, PlayStation quickly won back its fans. The ...
A proposed tariff on imports from Mexico to the US could result in fewer physical game releases and higher software prices.