The cardinal value of a number refers to the quantity of things it represents, e.g. the numerosity, ‘howmanyness’, or ‘threeness’ of three. When children understand the cardinality of numbers, they ...
"One of the main criteria for successful PD is that it stimulates new thinking – this certainly did that for me. Very thought provoking and inspiring." NCETM Professional Development Lead ...
Why is fluency one of the Five Big Ideas in Teaching for Mastery? And what does it mean for secondary maths teachers? The NCETM is led and delivered by Etio (formerly Tribal Education Services), with ...
Numberblocks PowerPoints designed for Early Years practitioners have been adapted into a parent-friendly format. Teachers and practitioners can send them directly to parents to provide opportunities ...
Work Groups are one of the main models of school and professional development activity used in Maths Hubs projects. Work Groups are led by a teacher, or former teacher, who has expertise in maths ...
Mathematics teaching for mastery assumes everyone can learn and enjoy mathematics. Mathematical learning behaviours are developed such that pupils focus and engage fully as learners who reason and ...
Children’s chances of success are maximised if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts. Here we explain the rationale behind this, and provide planning and ...
Materials to help teachers develop a mastery approach in their classrooms and schools We have worked with classroom-based teachers within the Maths Hubs Network to produce a range of mastery materials ...
Materials, guidance and national curriculum resources This is where the resources are to help you plan and teach great maths lessons, and to assess your pupils’ knowledge and understanding. This is ...
The 40 Maths Hubs cover all state-funded schools in England – find yours The Maths Hubs Network exists to support all schools in England. Each Maths Hub serves schools in a specified group of named ...