For UC&C and contact center environments. I’ve seen different tools that look really fancy and pretty, but they’re not easy to use. With IR, you have the dashboard, and you see every status and ...
在現今的工作環境中,協作空間已經變成不可或缺的要素。混合辦公已經成為趨勢,企業在傳統會議室以外,對更彈性的協作空間的需求也大大增加。 「協作空間管理」讓使用者能透過單一解決方案,主動監控與遠端管理視訊會議協作空間(包括協作平台與裝置 ...
The world of technology is rife with acronyms – and Unified Communications (UC) has more than its fair share. In telecommunications, traditional phone usage has changed globally. Analog telephone ...
According to the 2022 Global Payments Report by Worldpay, "The traditional lines between banking, payments and commerce have all but dissolved. The rules that once limited who participates in money ...
PROSA is the leading electronic payment processor in Mexico, processing about 10 billion transactions annually. PROSA and IR have worked together for over 10 years. The relationship started with ...