The Helmholtz Association invites proposals for joint research projects in Biomedical Engineering, focusing on interdisciplinary innovations that deliver rapid solutions to medical challenges. The ...
From the seabed to the edge of craters, and from fields to icebergs; we want to understand the Earth so that we can better predict natural disasters and protect against threats such as the impact of ...
We support young top researchers: Internationally outstanding postdocs are given the opportunity to establish their own research group at Helmholtz. Following a competitive selection process, up to ...
Deshalb bieten wir Wissenschaftler:innen nicht nur ein innovatives Arbeitsumfeld mit weltweit einzigartigen Forschungsanlagen, sondern unterstützen sie auch gezielt auf jeder Stufe ihrer Karriere. Je ...
In the latest round of ERC Consolidator Grants Helmholtz researchers were awarded a total of nine grants directly at the Helmholtz Centres. This time, the ERC awarded 328 grants, 67 of which went to ...
Deepfakes are images, videos, texts, or audio files that look deceptively real, but are in reality fake. They may already threaten our democracy in the near future. Our goal: to make sure people can ...
The Senate which is made up of external members performs the important role within the Helmholtz Association of making recommendations to the financial sponsors on thematic priorities and funding for ...
Das Bild zeigt die optisch angeregte Valenzelektronenstruktur in Diamant, untersucht mit nichtlinearer Kristallographie. Es wurde im Rahmen des Helmholtz Imaging Bilderwettbewerbs eingereicht. Bild: ...
From road travel to space exploration; we are researching autonomous buses, zero-emission flights, and robots that explore distant planets. We want to open up new avenues in transport that are climate ...
The illustration shows the optically excited valence electron structure in diamond using non-linear crystallography. Valence electrons are electrons located in the outer shell of an atom. The image ...