Through Macquarie Asset Management, PFJC will invest in farmland with various crops, such as wheat, beans, cotton and avocados on farmlands spread across eastern and western Australia.
After establishing the scheme in 2012 on land it bought in Uruguay, Harvard sold the land across two deals in 2017 and 2019 worth a combined $450m. But the project is still active today and has sold ...
En los últimos 8 años, los menonitas han comprado más de 30.000 hectáreas en el Meta. La Agencia Nacional de Tierras investiga si estos terrenos son baldíos y los indígenas reclaman sus territorios.
Le phénomène croissant de l’accaparement des terres par des puissances financières pose de plus en plus questions, et de nombreuses ONG et associations alertent sur le "land grabbing".