Now is not the time to deprioritise funding for mental health services! Please email your MP to ensure these vital funding ...
A group of charities have written to the Prime Minister calling on urgent clarification on mental health spending, following ...
This information is about managing your mental health over the Christmas period. It is for people who are 18 or over and affected by mental illness in England.
After being detained under the Mental Health Act, Hugo found solace in Sydney House, a Rethink Mental Illness supported ...
Schizoaffective disorder is a mental illness that affects your moods and thoughts. This section explains the condition, possible causes and treatments. This information is for people affected by ...
This section may help you if you hear voices, or if you know someone who does. Hearing voices is a very common experience. Hearing voices can be a symptom of some mental health problems, but not ...
Anxiety can make you feel worried or scared. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as a fast heartbeat or sweating. It is a normal human response to be anxious in certain situations. You may have ...
This section looks at what self-harm is and why you may self-harm. It could help if you are using self-harm to cope with how you’re feeling. Or if you are thinking about self-harming. It explains what ...
You might know an adult lives in England and is experiencing a mental health crisis. They might need urgent help and support. This section gives you information on who to contact. thinking about ...
This section explains your options for finding work or volunteering opportunities. These things can be important for your mental health. This information is for people who are 18 or over and affected ...
Cannabis is an illegal drug. This factsheet explains how it can affect your mental health and how to get help and support. This information is for people in England who are affected by mental health ...
This section gives information about community treatment orders (CTO). It explains how your CTO is made and what your rights are. It explains how you can challenge your CTO if you don’t agree with it.