Statistics go on to show that between January 1 and December 7, the Maldives welcomed 1,877,567 tourists. The arrival figure ...
The five men arrested and remanded are Rajapaksa Gamage Dinusha Madumal, 21, Muttima Patabendige Amishk Sanjeeva Kumara, 22, ...
The emergency motion stated that following a tender announcement made through the National Tender Board on June 25 for ...
The injured Maldivian man who was rescued at the sea near Dharumavantha Hospital region has passed away. Maldives Police Service (MPS) earlier on Wednesday revealed that the Maldivian man was found ...
Amid its towering promises of championing women’s rights, the incumbent administration has faced backlash as two long-serving female staff members at the President’s Office are abruptly dismissed, in ...
The department has been issuing a number of white alerts across the Maldives due to the squally weather conditions The weather conditions are expected to intensify and strong winds have been predicted ...
މޮޅާއެކު އަލް ޞާދު ވަނީ ތާވަލްގެ ހަތަރު ވަނަ އަށް ޖެހިލައިފަ އެވެ. އެއީ މިހާތަނަށް އެ ޓީމު ކުޅެފައިވާ ހަ މެޗުން 12 ޕޮއިންޓާ އެކު އެވެ. އޭއެފްސީ ޗެމްޕިއަންސް ލީގުގައި އަލް ޞާދާ ދެކޮޅަށް ...
ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީ ފުނޑާލާތީ މަޖިލީހުގެ މެމްބަރުންނާއި، ކުރީގެ މެމްބަރުންގެ ކަންބޮޑުވުންތައް ...
An investigation has been launched into a case where five officials of Maldives Immigration are suspected of illegally conducting activities related to foreigners and obtaining money through illicit ...
The constraints imposed by the government have led to unease and concern among expatriates who receive their salaries in MVR The Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) has been approached with concerns ...
އަހަރުގެ މިހާތަނަށް ދައުލަތައް ލިބުނު އާމްދަނީ މި ދިޔަ އަހަރުގެ މި މުއްދަތުގައި ލިބުނު ...
Both Maldivian teams have secured spots in the semi-finals of the tournament's team event and both teams will face Sri Lanka in the semi-finals. Both the Maldivian men's and women's teams have secured ...