Yamaha Motor Collaborated on Original Sci-Fi Anime, Netflix Series Tokyo Override - Set in a world 100 years in the future, featuring concept motorcycle designed by Yamaha - ...
親子おやこバイク教室きょうしつ[有料ゆうりょう]※一部、無料の教室もあります ※ヤマハ発動機は協賛企業として2023年大会に協力しました。 ※日程は予告なく変更される可能性があります。 ・東名高速道路 磐田ICより約5km ・磐田バイパス岩井ICより約 ...
「Tokyo Override」はAIが暮らしに溶け込み、都市生活のすべてが自動化された100年後の東京が舞台。表向きは“理想的な社会”であるはずの街に潜む巨悪の存在を、はみ出しものの主人公たちが暴いていくバイクアクションSFアニメ ※この作品は危険走行描写を ...
Eagerly awaited SPI from Yamaha Gives your one stop solution from printing machine to AOI “1-head solution” to perform various inspections with a single head Achieves high-accuracy high-speed ...
Yamaha's R-Series of motorcycles today is led by the flagship YZF-R1 superbike, with the lineup including the YZF-R7, R3, R25, R15, and R125. Every sportbike comprising the R-Series family is designed ...
The EICMA show held in Milan, Italy, is the world’s most famous exhibition dedicated to two wheels. In 2017, NIKEN at Yamaha booth is a topic in the show. Tokyo Motor Show 2017 The theme of the Yamaha ...
Oman Oman International Marine Equipment and Motors Co. Llc.
ヤマハトレールTW200改を駆って北極点踏破に成功してから5年、1992年1月に風間深志さんは南極点踏破にチャレンジしました。この南極点への挑戦が北極点の時と大きく異なるのは、史上初のモーターサイクルによる南極点への挑戦を通じて、地球環境問題へ ...
The MT Series today is a brand and lineup loved by riders around the world and runs the gamut for choice and variety, from the MT-10 flagship, MT-09, and MT-07 to the smaller MT-03, MT-25, MT-15, and ...
When you softly ring a maritime bell, the sound echoes out peacefully on the sea breeze. Then, if you grasp the bell with your hand, the vibration immediately stops and the bell goes silent. It’s with ...
Around 2010, the nascent trend of restoring and customizing classic motorcycles began developing into a global boom in what many would consider the antithesis to that era's radical advances in ...
*The article below is a translation of a RIDERS CLUB article originally published in 1996 and contains additions and revisions. Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1948. Withdrew from Keio University's Faculty of ...