In the realm of anime, few characters evoke as much terror and fascination as Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen. This formidable cursed spirit, embodying the darkest ...
Ryomen Sukuna is the central antagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen, and much like his title in the series, he has done some vile things that some might even consider heartless and disgusting. Before ...
During the Ryomen Sukuna Raid, Aoi Todo showcased his evolved Boogie Woogie technique, enhanced to perform 50 swaps per second by hitting a Vibraslap. He also expanded its range via a binding vow ...
While the supernatural shonen series has introduced its fair share of villains in its time, Sukuna has stood above the rest as being the most powerful, and most evil, of the collection.
While the final fight against Sukuna was a rather lengthy one spanning across an entire arc of its own, it just had fans feeling like there was still more story to explore before the final came to ...