Rumored to launch as soon as March, the iPhone SE 4 will replace the aging iPhone SE 2022 in Apple’s lineup. Expect a ...
Apple has really bloated its iPad lineup in recent years. Essentially, there are four different lines of iPads that you can ...
【CNMO科技消息】今年9月,苹果发布iPhone 16系列,提供iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus、iPhone 16 Pro、iPhone 16 Pro Max等机型。CNMO注意到,在叠加平台补贴之后,今年的iPhone 16 ...
据最新消息,iPhone18Pro和iPhone18ProMax将成为首款搭载可变光圈技术的手机。这意味着iPhone系列将首次引入这项创新技术,为用户带来全新的摄影体验。目前,iPhone15Pro和iPhone16Pro系列的主摄像头都采用了固定 ...
根据行业资深分析师的最新爆料,iPhone18Pro系列的相机将首次搭载可变光圈技术。这一创新的关键组件将由荷兰半导体设备公司BESemiconductor提供生产。此举或许将会使iPhone18Pro系列成为苹果公司历史上首款采用可变光 ...
Amazon has the elevated 13-inch and 15-inch with 24GB of RAM and 512GB SSDs down at $1,299 and $1,499, respectively. Both ...
随着2024年的结束,智能手机市场迎来了重新洗牌的机遇,尤其是在中国市场,苹果的iPhone面临着前所未有的压力。尽管今年iPhone ...
Amazon has the elevated 13-inch and 15-inch with 24GB of RAM and 512GB SSDs down at $1,299 and $1,499, respectively. Both ...
Apple did a great job this year with the base model iPhone 16. It has the Action button that debuted last year with the ...
12月18日消息,一位国外博主根据此前爆料的iPhone17ProMax供应链物料设计和中框配件,在本期视频中使用3D软件制作了一组iPhone17ProMax的模型渲染图。根据博主的设计,iPhone17系列将采用全新的设计语言,后置摄像头 ...
据供应链物料设计和中框配件,以及现有曝料信息,YouTube频道Wylsacom最新制作了iPhone17ProMax的模型渲染图。然而,博主刹那数码透露,其消息源表示iPhone17ProMax的背面外观确实有变化,但三摄布局依旧保持三角形状 ...
The white colourway of the handset is tipped to have a white shade back cover but with a hint of silver, while its frame may ...