Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (NYSE: DGX), a leader in diagnostic information services, announced that Jim Davis, Chairman, CEO and President, will speak on the company's strategy, performance ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
CS-660A/660B分光测色仪,适合工业行业使用的分光测色仪,创分光测色仪,性能稳定分光测色仪,凯诺销售彩谱分光测色仪。 测量颜色的仪器被统称为测色计,通过测色计可以轻松地得到被测物体在不同光源及各种条件下的色度数据甚至光谱曲线,有利于进行色彩的 ...
宁波经济技术开发区凯诺仪器有限公司是一家*,专业从事分析检测仪器、无损检测仪器、设备诊断仪器、计量检测仪器、环保仪器等设备的生产、研发、销售、维修、计量管理于一体的综合型公司。公司创办于 2004年4月28日,从创办之日起,公司一直持续经营以下 ...