Have you ever thought that light might hold a key to life's mysteries? One hundred years ago, Alexander Gurwitsch dared to propose that living cells emit faint ultraviolet light, invisible to the ...
Larch is an open-source library and set of applications for processing and analyzing X-ray absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy data and X-ray fluorescence and diffraction image data from ...
The plumbing around the new Nvidia GeForce RTX 5000 launch appears to be springing leaks everywhere, with the latest one coming directly from Nvidia graphics card partner Inno3D. The company ...
Meta's Ray-Ban glasses are getting smarter thanks to an update that's introducing three features, including new AI functionality. In an announcement this week, Meta said the features are coming ...
Even so, Hitomi was the first orbiting observatory to obtain a scientific result using X-ray quantum calorimeters. The spectacular Perseus spectrum generated by the SXS motivated yet another attempt ...
The technology is set to enhance NASA's imaging and data processing capabilities, specifically targeting the phase unwrapping problem associated with radar-generated interferometric data.
Hubble captures NGC 5643, a grand design spiral galaxy 40M light-years Observations reveal star formation and an active supermassive black hol A smaller black hole, NGC 5643 X-1, outshines the ...