2025款Jeep Wrangler迎回TorqueFlite 8速自动变速箱:美国消费者的呼声? 在汽车行业中,每当厂商宣布“根据消费者需求”重新引入某项配置时,总让人忍不住怀疑:究竟有多少人提出了这个需求?不过,无论这背后是否真的源于消费者的声音 ...
Is the Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe a vehicle you should buy? Kris and Hillary say you should avoid the electric Jeep. They have owned the SUV for less than a year; it's been in the shop four times and for ...
The model name 4xe refers to two Jeep hybrids – the Jeep Wrangler 4xe, and the Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe. The 2025 Jeep ...
近日,从海外媒体报道获悉,荷兰汽车制造集团Stellantis旗下Jeep宣布正式推出2025款Wrangler 4xe Willys '41 Special Edition特别版车型,以此来纪念二战中的Willys MB ...
American carmaker Jeep announced the 2025 Jeep Wrangler equipped with the 3.6-liter V6 engine gets the TorqueFlite ...
Jeep had cut back on Jeep transmission offerings, making the 2025 Jeep Wrangler V-6 a stick-shift only. We'll show you why ...
快科技12月20日消息,Jeep官网近日宣布,Jeep牧马人4xe车型的售价进行了调整,现在与燃油版价格持平。 调整后,2.0T 4xe撒哈拉四门版和2.0T 4xe罗宾汉 ...
In a strange turn of events, people complained that a manual transmission was the only option on the Wrangler V6.
The V-6 Wrangler was supposed to be manual only, but Jeep says popular demand led to the eight-speed auto's return.
By popular demand, 2025 Jeep Wrangler customers turning to the 3.6-litre Pentastar V6 will once again have the option of an ...