Tatiana Smith spent five years teaching in China. Although the cost of living was more affordable, she felt that China was as ...
The first full moon of winter and 2025 — the Wolf Moon — will rise on Monday, but light up early evening skies on Tuesday as it rises in the east during dusk. As it does, it will be draped in ...
The moon will be mere hours past full phase during the occultation. Traditionally, the January full moon is known as the "Wolf Moon." At the moment it officially turns full — 5:27 p.m. EST ...
Grizzlies, black bears, wolves, wolverines ... When the pickings are this good, bears can turn finicky. Some eat only the fish head. Others may slit the belly and suck out the eggs.
Launched just over a decade ago, Bear + Wolf is a firm focused on trademarks and designs with a strong foothold in registration, protection and enforcement of complex and out-of-the-box marks. The ...
Just four days after it passed in front of the Pleiades star cluster, the moon will cross paths with another noteworthy celestial object on Monday evening, Jan. 13, when it will cover the planet ...
Among the humming flash of sunbirds and insects drawn to the flowers, an unusual visitor appears: the Ethiopian wolf.
"Wolves are even more affected by human recreation than grizzly bears, and they are active year-round, coinciding with winter recreational activities," says St. Clair.