White spots appear on the teeth when the tooth’s enamel starts decomposing due to plaque. However, a wide range of cases can bring this erosion on and lead to decalcification. Here’s a quick overview ...
Therapies that carry a higher level of support from randomized controlled trial evidence include black cohosh for menopause; vitamins B 1 and E for dysmenorrhea; calcium, vitamin B 6, and ...
Ipriflavone can block part of the process that leads to bone loss. Ipriflavone can block part of the process that leads to bone loss. A bone disease that can cause pain (Paget disease). Early ...
Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) is an herbal drug. It contains chemicals called cannabinoids, including delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The cannabinoids in cannabis work by ...
is greater than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean BMD value for young adult white women.
【产品介绍】:为桑科植物桑的根皮的棕色粉末状提取物。 【主要成分】:含伞形花内酯、东莨菪素,黄酮成分桑根皮素,桑索、桑色烯,环桑素、环桑色烯等。 【*】:泻肺平喘,利水*。用于**,面目*,*等症。 【备注】: 药材性状 呈长而扭曲的板片状,筒 ...
1000公斤可售量 220元/公斤 建议零售价 中国 江苏徐州 产品区域 徽、河南、四川等地。夏末秋初,果实成熟时割取全株,晒干后打 下种子。生用或炒用。 植物形态白芥子:呈球形,直径1.5~2.5mm。表面灰白色至淡 黄色,具细微的网纹,有明显的点状种脐。种皮薄 ...