Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” tells the story of a military veteran song-and-dance team putting on a show in a magical Vermont inn and falling head-over-heels for a stunning sister act.
The Friends of the Wildey are also conducting the annual ornament fundraiser and sponsoring the Interactive White Christmas at the Madison County venue.
To help you keep them straight: “Holiday Inn,” from 1942, is in black and white ... Christmas” stage show, now enjoying a vibrant and happy-going production at Lincolnshire’s Marriott Theatre.
who is directing the theater's holiday production of "Irving Berlin's White Christmas," running Nov. 27 to Dec. 29. The show, which played Broadway briefly in 2008, and last visited Paper Mill ...
Check out photos and video of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, on stage at Marriott Theatre this holiday season, previewing on Wednesday, October 30, opening Wednesday, November 6 at 7 ...