For such contacts, WhatsApp will automatically create a themed icon. This will make it easier to tell them apart, especially if they have similar names. The update will also benefit group chats.
With the feature, users won’t have to enter their actual email address to such forms, so spam emails will not clog their inboxes. The update mirrors a feature by Apple, called Hide My Email ...
These proceeds will allow the Company to advance other projects including our Zuun Mod project, one of Asia’s largest undeveloped molybdenum resources.” Erdene Mongol LLC (“EM”) has executed financing ...
It doesn't seem like a big deal, but there is a change coming to the Android version of the Gmail app that could prevent the accidental spread of some email addresses. Google wrote last week in a blog ...
Some Apple iPhone users are unimpressed with its latest software update. Apple released iOS 18 for its iPhones to the public in September, promising numerous new features, including the "biggest ...