It is hard to imagine a world without Shakespeare. Since their composition more than four hundred years ago, Shakespeare’s plays and poems have traveled the globe, inviting those who see and read his ...
For decades, people have been studying Shakespeare's life and times and in recent years there has been a renewed surge of interest in aspects of his language. So how can we better understand ...
Simon Schama argues that it is impossible to understand how Shakespeare came to belong 'to all time' without understanding just how much he was of his time.
One might assume that juggling more than one language might hold back pupils' understanding of Shakespeare. Not so, according to the RSC, as children with English as a second or additional ...
You speak a language that I understand not.' Hermione's words to Leontes in The Winter's Tale are likely to ring true with many people reading or watching Shakespeare's plays today. For decades, ...
There are around seven times more male than female roles in Shakespeare's plays – a huge disparity between the sexes in speaking parts. Although they are lacking in numbers and are sometimes ...
Shakespeare has inspired, and continues to inspire, creative writers, theatre and opera directors, visual artists, film directors, video game makers and others. Understanding Shakespeare has become a ...
Shakespeare has inspired, and continues to inspire, creative writers, theatre and opera directors, visual artists, film directors, video game makers and others. Understanding Shakespeare has become a ...
People prefer AI-generated poetry to Shakespeare because it is more “beautiful” and easier to understand, a study has found. The Bard’s sonnets, as well as works by literary figures such as ...
In like manner, I find Shakespeare’s historical plays worth studying if we are to understand African politics today. The politics of conspiracy and betrayal that comes out in Richard the Second ...