It all comes together in an epic water battle involving Ultraman (Christopher Sean), Ultradad (Gedde Watanabe), and baby Kaiju, Emi. First Ultraman and Emi fight Mecha Gigangtron, only to discover ...
GigaBash downloadable content “Ultraman: Rising,” which adds new playable character Ultraman and Emi from Netflix‘s animated superhero film of the same name, will launch on November 28 ...
With all that going on, you're likely wondering what's next for one of the best Apple TV shows? Fortunately, you don't have much longer to wait, a new installment will drop soon – and we've got ...
2024 will be remembered for a lot of things, good and bad (and everything in between) — but around these parts, it will be remembered for specific TV episodes that stood out from the dozens ...