Despite being in early access, open-world RPG Stoneshard has overhauled or added a dozen core systems in a massive, ...
What are the best turn based RPGs? These games are about character evolution; the nature of progression and the choices you can make means that your abilities and journey may never entirely be the ...
Original Sin 2 offer freedom and creativity in battles. ...
The latest from Cris Tales developer Dreams Uncorporated asks you to look at its world through different lenses, with some ...
The best offense is defense or whatever they say.
Sunderfolk is a four-player Gloomhaven-inspired game you can play using your phone.
DIE is a comic book and an RPG that examplines the importance of telling stories through different kinds of media makes ...
Now that Fairy Tail 2 is out, there are several options for the next anime RPG adaptation that could work well.