Struggling to choose between ACD vs IVR? Learn which one's best if you have to choose and when you should use both.
Celtics' former 6MOTY gives classy answer about his feelings on getting traded Former NBA champion apologizes to Celtics ...
Over the last 13 months, the OKCPD reports a 57% decrease in mental health-related calls dispatched to Oklahoma City police ...
Make sure every call you get, gets answered.
Almost two weeks ago, children were seen playing with elemental mercury on the sidewalk. The EPA is investigating how it ...
Facebook’s parent company Meta says it will build a $10 billion artificial intelligence data center in northeast Louisiana.
As the holiday season approaches, experts from the Recovery Centers of America at Greenville highlight a spike in stress ...
The New York Mets need to fill out their rotation this winter. Could top prospect Luisangel Acuña help them land Garrett ...
A Biden rule aimed at providing ample staffing for nursing homes may be rolled back either by Republicans in the lame duck or ...
Cincinnatians expressed cautious optimism, uncertainty and worry about using AI for mental health. Protecting students' ...
The ANIZDA board voted Wednesday to split more than $9.3 million — $8.8 million to the state and $437,694 to Allentown. The ...
The finance industry is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI ...