In the quest for health and longevity, humanity has scoured the earth for resources, sometimes overlooking the smallest yet most potent elements. Rare metals, often overshadowed by more common ...
Many people fill in nutritional gaps by finding supplements that fill their specific vitamin needs. While this works, it can ...
Flu season leads to an increase in respiratory illnesses, and a healthy immune system is essential to combat them. Consuming ...
China recently banned the export of the minerals gallium and germanium to the US amid growing tensions between the two ...
China’s decision to halt the export of critical minerals, gallium and germanium, has intensified tensions with the United ...
China recently banned the export of the minerals gallium and germanium to the US amid growing tensions between the two countries on trade.Author ...
The US could open up domestic mining, or try to recover more of the minerals through recycling of electronic waste.
Moreover, the decline in soil fertility under cotton, characterized by soil acidification, the emergence of new pests and ...