Our client, a top international luxury hotel in Tianjin, is now seeking a Director of Finance. Please follow us on Wechat or ...
快科技12月3日消息,据国外媒体报道称,美国工业和安全局 (BIS) 正式修订了《出口管理条例》 (EAR),将 140个中国半导体行业相关实体添加到“实体清单”。
Journalists and influencers from around China recently toured Tianjin's iconic landmarks for four days as part of the "New ...
Vista aérea tomada con un dron del 29 de noviembre de 2024 del embalse de Danjiangkou, en la provincia de Hubei, en el centro ...
Na manhã de 21 de novembro, o Berge Aconcagua e o Ore Tianjin, os dois maiores navios mineraleiros do mundo, da gigante ...
Uma zona de 600 quilômetros quadrados, localizada aproximadamente 300 quilômetros a sudoeste de Beijing, foi aprovada como o ...
After a fierce competition,Tianjin Light Industry Vocational Technical College won the champion, Zhejiang Polytechnic University of Mechanical and Eletrical Engineering and Tianjin Maritime College wo ...
红点奖应该没有工业设计专业的同学不知道吧? 红点奖源自德国,是与IF设计奖齐名的工业设计大奖, 是世界上知名设计竞赛中最大最有影响的竞赛,与德国“IF奖”、美国“IDEA奖”一起并称为 世界三大设计奖。
In 2022, Kail donated a photo album to China. The album features photos of Japanese atrocities in China during WWII. Two ...
➤处罚标准:对于“闯限行”违法,将处以100元罚款。所谓"闯限行",即是违反天津尾号限行规定和外地车外环线 (不含)以内早晚高峰期限行规定扣100元,三小时内不重复处罚。
China on Friday unveiled a plan to allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals in some major cities, in a move ...
TIANJIN, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) — The World Technical and Vocational Education and Training League, a vocational education ...