When used together, the New York museum’s print catalogue and supplementary website on their 18th-century French works make an excellent initial resource but offer little new information ...
Understanding of literary texts can be greatly enhanced by an appreciation of the context within which their authors lived and worked. Each of these volumes focuses on an individual writer, offering ...
Modern medicine has enabled citizens of wealthy, industrialized nations to forget that children once routinely died in shocking numbers. Teaching 19th-century English literature, I regularly encounter ...
The course gives an overview of American literature in the nineteenth century with major emphasis on the American Renaissance, realism, naturalism, and the local color movement. The syllabus consists ...
The first half of the 20th century was a turbulent and transformative period for American and British culture. Women and men began to define themselves in very different ways, and one of the tools ...
Saluting the New Year through Music'- St Lawrence Collegiate Parish Church, Birgu, with the collaboration of the Fondazzjoni Wirt Kulturali Vittoriosa of the same parish, is organising an organ ...