The thrilling story follows Captain Cage, stuck in a time loop, is tasked to team up with a group of warriors and save Earth ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger ("The Terminator" franchise), Kevin Hart ("Jumanji" franchise), Keanu Reeves ("John Wick" franchise), ...
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for The Terminator #1! The Terminator series is one that’s been going strong since the ‘80s, but ...
The T-800 is a horror icon, but the Terminator franchise hasn't always used it to its scariest potential; Dynamite's new ...
Julia Roberts Turned Down A Notting Hill Sequel . After the classic brings together a famous Hollywood actress and a travel ...
An expert has revealed that diehard South Park fans could be sitting on a small fortune thanks to a sense of ‘underground ...
Joanne Connell used taxpayers' details to create fake credits and then transferred the money to her personal bank account.
Michael J. Fox walking across the street in a scene from the film 'Back To The Future', 1985. There are a couple of ...
Many theatrical releases have been followed up by the issuance of the filmmakers' preferred director's cut. ANd while some of ...
As the dust settles on Rafael Nadal 's retirement, the question arises: where does the great Spaniard rank among the best ...
The titanic space that James Cameron takes up in popular culture belies just how economic his storytelling instincts are. The ...
The Sacred Heart Church in Hyderabad, established on leased railway land, has received an eviction notice from the South Central Railway. The church community asserts possession of a 100-year ...