The thrilling story follows Captain Cage, stuck in a time loop, is tasked to team up with a group of warriors and save Earth ...
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for The Terminator #1! The Terminator series is one that’s been going strong since the ‘80s, but ...
The T-800 is a horror icon, but the Terminator franchise hasn't always used it to its scariest potential; Dynamite's new ...
Michael J. Fox walking across the street in a scene from the film 'Back To The Future', 1985. There are a couple of ...
To be perfectly honest, the idea of time travel terrifies me because of what catastrophic circumstances I could cause by even the slightest alteration to the timeline. In fact, if I was ever given ...
Initially a sleeper hit with all the makings of a cult classic, The Terminator is now recognized as one of the signature genre franchises of the past four decades. And while time travel ...
The titanic space that James Cameron takes up in popular culture belies just how economic his storytelling instincts are. The ...
You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Your browser does not support the video tag. In video games, time travel can be as simple as rewinding ...
One late night showing on HBO was all it took for me to fall in love with The Terminator. My love of sci-fi, especially stories with robots and time travel involved, was a consequence of watching ...