The American supernatural horror film The Conjuring directed by James Wan revolves around the supernatural experiences of the Perron family, who moved into their new home at a farmhouse in Rhode ...
“Tales from the other side” is an interactive hour of eerie storytelling about ghosts, paranormal and the unexplained being debuted at the Adelaide Fringe Festival. Sarah Stewart tells her own ...
BETHLEHEM, Pa. - A photo taken at The Sun Inn in Bethlehem led the creator of Ghost Encounters to visit and learn more. The Sun Inn has been known for paranormal sightings. Justin A. Torok ...
From humorous retellings to heart-pounding adventures, these stories not only entertain but often shed light on historical events and iconic personalities that shaped our world. As we delve into the ...
‘My Encounter with Evil’ unfolds three gripping stories of demonic possession and exorcism ... In ‘Haunted: Latin America,’ the chilling anthology format continues as real individuals from Latin ...
"We're working to get Texans in general to realize bears are a real thing and they do exist ... "Possibly a couple hundred," he said. Encounters with black bears can quickly turn sour.
Eventually, through the generations, telling ghost stories became a facet of everyone’s holiday celebrations. “For a very, very, very long time, [the season] has provoked oral stories about ...
Is it a true story? Some seem to think so. Closing out the year is Robert Eggers’ take on the vampiric, the film follows Ellen Hutter (Lily-Rose Depp) after she reawakens a centuries-old spirit.
Well said. As E Nesbit, co-founder of the Fabians, puts it ever so reasonably, “Every ghost story should have a rational medical man to offset the nonsense.” ...