fans in Japan were treated to Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, an anime film that did almost everything this movie didn’t. The animated flick put Ken and Ryu at the forefront, with Chun-Li ...
Street Fighter: Duel is a complex video game that includes a long list of characters. So, we decided to create a universal Street Fighter Duel tier list that will be useful for every player who wants ...
Street Fighter Duel is a newly launched JRPG which differs slightly from the fighting genre that we are all used to. Of course, there will be a lot of fighting still, but you won't have to break your ...
Mai Shiranui is the second SNK character from the Fatal Fury series coming to Street Fighter 6 as a Season 2 DLC fighter, following Terry Bogard in the game’s September update. And, unlike Super ...
Amusingly, Mai calls herself "a good girl" in the video while inviting a novice fighter to her Fatal Fury 2 stage for some fighting ... earlier this year, but Street Fighter 6 will be her first ...