In addition, it doesn't have a disc drive and offers less internal memory (it runs on a custom NVME 512GB SSD powered by Xbox Velocity Architecture, which is about half the size of the Series X's ...
在游戏主机市场,玩家们最近又一次被令人振奋的销量数据吸引了目光。根据最新的统计信息,截至2024年11月份,索尼的PlayStation5(PS5)在全球的销量达到了6770万台,令人震撼的是,这一数字不仅展现了PS5的强大市场吸引力,更是将其竞争对手微软的Xbox Series X|S远远抛在了身后,后者的同期销量仅为3121万台。这一超出117%的销量差距,无疑显示了PS5在当今游戏主机领域的 ...
Xbox Series X bundles are out there if you know where to look, but they don't offer the same kind of value as you'll find on other platforms right now. While Microsoft's console has enjoyed some ...