All the latest breaking local news from Limerick and County Limerick Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want ...
Another key tip: Put away the leaf blower. These tools disrupt natural mulch that keeps soil healthy. The master gardener ...
Christmas cactus wins the award as the easiest and possibly longest-lived Christmas plant. As with most succulents, as long ...
Even in temperate zones, delicate garden plants like citrus trees, dahlias and spring-blooming plants often need protection ...
Blood oranges (here we commonly plant the Moro blood orange variety) may develop a sweet flavor in December, but the color is ...
Keep in mind that the best gardens are not only beautiful in the spring, summer and fall, but with proper planning, winter ...
With an area covering 32ha, Keukenhof Gardens in the Netherlands boasts a whopping seven million spring-flowering bulbs.
December is a great time to plant winter bulbs for the coming year - but all of these bulbs can be disturbed, especially by ...
While it may seem like there's not much happening in the garden during winter, it's actually a great time to tidy up, clean, and prepare for the upcoming gardening season ...