The Sonic franchise is thriving, leading to demands for a fourth movie installment. A potential crossover with Mario could bring excitement and freshness to both franchises. Despite the dream of a ...
Meanwhile, five Sonic Lego sets are retiring soon, so fans are running out of time to add them to their collection.
and that’s why they weren’t afraid to drop their game right next to Nintendo’s Mario title. You do remember how that turned out, right? Exactly. Again, Sonic has been doing great in 2024.
Techopedia uncovers everything there is to know about Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds, the freshly announced kart racer from Sega.
With a heavier emphasis on exploration than we’ve had in a long way, it feels like something of a successor to the Sonic Adventure games. Run and platform your way through Dr. Eggman’s dreams to stop ...
Once upon a time almost all movies based on video games were bad. There were a few decent video game adaptations, but none ...
It’s really snuck up but LEGO has confirmed that the first LEGO Mario Kart sets as well as new Animal Crossing and Sonic sets will launch on January 21st ... DK Jumbo set which includes Donkey Kong ...
Although she has now starred in three Sonic The Hedgehog in five years, Tika Sumpter's history with the speedster goes back ...
Just think, the only thing even remotely resembling a rhythm game for Sonic is the figure skating from Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics, and that makes me sad. The Sonic Symphony continues to sell ...
Right now, you can get the beautiful and moving cozy game Spiritfarer for just $4 at Nintendo. Or, if you're in the mood for ...