Mumbai, The Bombay High Court on Thursday dismissed a petition filed by Shiv Sena candidate Amol Kirtikar challenging the 48-vote victory of rival Shiv Sena nominee Ravindra Waikar from a Lok ...
Lauren Wicks is a freelance writer and editor based in Birmingham, Alabama. She writes for brands such as VERANDA, Well + Good, Southern Living, and EatingWell, covering all things lifestyle from ...
There's a significant overhaul on the horizon for waste management as households across England can expect to be equipped with four bins by next year, marking an initial shift which could kick off ...
Filled with charm and friendly locals, small towns are synonymous with American life. To determine the best small towns to visit in the USA, U.S. News evaluated places with a population of less ...
If you find your makeup tends to slide off after a few hours of wear or perhaps it doesn't look as good as you would like it to, primers can make a huge difference. There are some that work well ...
Our documentation site lives at You'll be able to find detailed documentation on getting started, all of the components, our theme, our principles, and more. The fastest way make a ...
Labour councillor Aidan McGurran said the previous Conservative administration "got it spectacularly wrong" with the bin system. "People are paying the highest level of council tax in history, they ...
It’s a good way to use the waste from your kitchen and yard to feed the plants and flowers in your garden. Choosing the best small outdoor compost bin is not a simple but essential task that you need ...
Over a hundred people have signed a petition against council plans to reduce the size of Kirklees’ wheelie bins, fearing an “explosion” of rat infestations and the impact on “already-overflowing” bins ...
The 28-year-old was working alone on the recycling truck and emptying bins in Melbourne suburb Pakenham about 10am on Friday when the tragedy unfolded. A man has died after being crushed by a ...
Everyone is talking about China’s EV price war, but competition in the battery market is intensifying. BYD is the world’s second-largest EV battery maker behind CATL, but its new tech could ...