MCAD tool Solidworks once had issues working with DWG files, so it licensed a DWG clone and made it free. This product then ...
Project Neo is Adobe's new 3D web app, it's in Beta and free to use. Adobe has dabbled with 3D a few times, from limited 3D ...
【ITBEAR】FreeCAD社区近日迎来历史性时刻,正式推出了期盼已久的1.0版本,该版本兼容x86 Windows、Mac(x86及Arm架构)、Linux(x86及aarch64架构)多平台,源代码已在GitHub等平台开放。
A new Look-and-Feel (LaF) for Java, which allows for a grid-based display of Unicode characters with custom fore/background colors, font sizes, and pseudo-shaders. Originally designed for developing ...
SimpleAccounting is a simple software for accounting. It supports double-entry accounting including split bookings and several reports. Bookings can be imported from text files (CSV), e.g. provided by ...