The BBC detective series, set against the stunning backdrop of the Shetland islands, has been a staple on television since its debut in 2013. Even with a major cast change following Douglas ...
Douglas Henshall stars in the TV series Shetland Since the series first aired in 2013, thousands of tourists, many from cruise ships have been heading to Shetland on the trail of the murders.
THE UK is home to some of the best TV shows, from Call The Midwife and Gavin And Stacey, to Beyond Paradise and Shetland. We've rounded up some of the country's best-loved programmes with filming ...
Shetland fans tuned in to watch the final episode of the series on Wednesday night- and many were not impressed. DI Ruth Calder (played by Ashley Jensen) and Tosh (Alison O'Donnell) were back as ...
DETECTIVE Jimmy Perez is back on the case, but this time he’s swapping Shetland for a new adventure on another island. Best-selling author Ann Cleeves, whose gripping novels inspired the hit ...
After the death of his wife, Fran, several years ago, DI Jimmy Perez moved back to Shetland to create a secure home for himself and his daughter Cassie. However, with Cassie now off to university ...