In shade, it’s OK if the soil dries out now and then. When not in bloom, the heart-shaped, dark green leaves with purplish undersides make an attractive deer and rabbit resistant ground cover.
So, if you are looking for evergreen ground cover plants that are ... worldwide admire periwinkle for its tolerance of different conditions. Whether sun or shade, sandy or clay soil, hot or ...
For each ground cover we'll give you the full details on what makes it so dependable as ... Their colors will change depending on the amount of sun they get — pinker with more sun and bluer when ...
Shady spots are notoriously tricky to manage, but there's a great solution for this that you may not have considered: plantain lily (Hosta spp.). This leafy, low-maintenance plant is not only a ground ...
Like hostas, wild ginger can become drought-tolerant once it settles ... rich soil and preference for lots of shade. Not only do foam flowers make excellent ground covers, taking up to 1 feet ...
Replace lawn beneath trees with bishop's hat, sweet woodruff, or other shade-tolerant ground cover as the tree grows and creates more shade. Then use shade-tolerant grasses at the edges of the area.