Brazilian limited series, Senna, which is based on a true story, has been hailed for its ‘superb acting’ as it follows the life of legendary racing driver Ayrton Senna. Ayrton died in a ...
A snow-capped mountain range looms behind racing drivers in the the drama Senna A Netflix series which depicts the lesser-known snow-capped mountains of Norfolk has whipped up a flurry of fun on ...
SUMMARY The Netflix miniseries on Ayrton Senna’s life was a huge fumble and dishonour to the F1 legend’s story. The series almost dishonors Senna’s complex character by portraying him as a flawless ...
The famously flat county features in a new six-part drama about the life of Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna, who honed his craft in Norfolk in the early 1980s. Viewers did a double-take when they ...
Following the premiere of the Netflix miniseries “Senna,” Asics has made a special edition of the Gel-Kayano 14 to commemorate Ayrton Senna. The Ayrton Senna x Asics Gel-Kayano 14 “Lotus ...