A comedy film series that follows a conman, Willie T. Soke and his partner, Marcus Skidmore as they pose as Santa and his Little Helper Elf in order to commit robberies on Christmas Eve.
Went to the mall last weekend and watched parents create a chaotic line past Starbucks and Kay Jewelers so their kids could experience the wonder of Santa Claus.
disheveled Santa intruder, and what they heard was that he was trying to get back into their house. One of them started screaming, the other started crying. In the chaos, Tee was so focused on ...
Went to the mall last weekend and watched parents create a chaotic line past Starbucks and Kay Jewelers so their kids could experience the wonder of Santa Claus. There are few lines that most parents ...
I went to the mall last weekend and watched parents create a chaotic line past Starbucks and Kay Jewelers so their kids could experience the wonder of Santa Claus. There are few lines that most ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger told us that he'd be back, but he didn't mention that it would be as Santa. The action star was seen sporting a white beard and festive attire while filming an upcoming ...
Being on Santa’s “nice list” pays well, according to a new study: Parents whose kids believe in Santa plan to spend over $100 more on gifts this year than their non-believing counterparts.