A comedy film series that follows a conman, Willie T. Soke and his partner, Marcus Skidmore as they pose as Santa and his Little Helper Elf in order to commit robberies on Christmas Eve.
Whose behavior shocked Santa Claus? The post Which RHOSLC Stars Are on Santa’s Naughty and Nice List? appeared first on ...
Join Crazy Santa 2 in a festive adventure! Throw snowballs at mischievous yetis, snowmen, and penguins to score points and enjoy endless holiday fun.
TIPTON, Ind. — It's a tradition in Tipton: "Santa John" collecting and donating money to neighbors in need. In this community ...
You can't scroll your social media timelines without seeing Tally the Elf or The Grinch. Here's what to know about these ...
For a lot of parents and other adults, perpetuating that Santa Claus is real is a chance to give young children a bit of ...
The neighborhood's Christmas spirit has drawn admiring crowds, with many stopping by to admire the festive sight. Lisa Norman, who also has a giant inflatable Santa on her lawn says the enthusiasm to ...
But Santa Dan, who looks a lot like Mall of America senior vice president Dan Jasper, took time out from meeting fans at the ...
And their most recent ad has caught the attention of ladies, causing a bit of a commotion on social media with what they’re calling a “hot Santa.” Titled “Born to Be Kris,” Target’s newest commercial ...