Roti Kapda Romance is a Telugu romantic drama movie directed by Vikram Reddy. The movie casts Harsha Narra, Sandeep Saroj, Supraj Ranga, Tarun, Sonu Thakur, Nuveksha, Megha Lekha, and Khushboo ...
There’s even a take on the ‘big breakfast’, featuring a roti filled with egg, green chilli ... caters to almost every dietary restriction — 99 per cent of dishes are gluten free, all are dairy-free ...
Leonardo DiCaprio is getting called out for seemingly ignoring hotel staffers in Fiji as they sang and danced for him on his way out of the luxe property. A viral video shows the “Titanic ...
Salt Lake City’s food scene has transformed dramatically over the past decade, evolving from a landscape of Old West-style steakhouses to a vibrant culinary destination that embraces local ...
Fast forward to November, the Hollywood icon is under fire for seemingly disregarding hotel staff’s song and dance in Fiji. More Ronald Martinez/Getty Images In the clip, which was posted to ...
"In this part of the world, pork is eaten very differently. "That and the coconut roti have been very popular with guests." Tikiri opened for the first time on Monday, November 18. Initially, the ...
In January 1998 the Fiji Broadcasting Commission was corporatised under the Government’s public sector reform programme and renamed Island Network Corporation Limited. In June 1999, the change in ...