Its unofficial ruler is a fittingly nightmarish fish called the alligator gar. Alligator gar haven’t changed since the prehistoric days they shared with dinosaurs. In fact, these gargantuan ...
Researchers have discovered a 380-million-year-old heart preserved inside a fossilised prehistoric fish. They say the specimen captures a key moment in the evolution of the blood-pumping organ ...
These fish belong to the sarcopterygians, a group that also includes lungfish (fish with lungs) and tetrapods, a group to which humans also belong. Tetrapods are vertebrates (animals with a ...
Every year, these prehistoric fish journey some 2,000 miles from the East China Sea to their spawning grounds in the Yangtze River. Or, at least they used to. In recent years, this ancient ...
World's oldest heart found in prehistoric fish Scientists find 'oldest human ancestor' Anatomical clues to human evolution from fish A UoB representative said soft tissues like brains normally ...
Describing the battle to land the amazing creature, Biancardi wrote on Madcat's website, "I calmly managed to fight what I felt to be a prehistoric fish." "In silence, I approached the first spot ...