Bugs Move In: Repot your aloe vera plant as soon as you see fungus gnats around. These common houseplant pests infest potting ...
The number one thing you can do to avoid overwatering your plant is to understand its individual watering needs. Matt Mattus, ...
Fiddle leaf figs happen to be one of the most chic houseplants around. Now, if you're keen on experimenting with propagation ...
Reaching around two metres high, Fiddle Leaf Figs are a statement houseplant. While it may have a reputation for being ...
It’s not yet time to plant tomato seeds, but it is time to order them. Here are some tips that can help you get started.
You must know when you choose your plant whether you are getting a male or female plant if berries are a goal.
Peace lilies are popular houseplants, known for their attractive white flowers and ability to cleanse the air. But if you ...
Since indoor plants are in constant contact with moisture, they remain one of the potential sources of mold in the home.
Another popular way to grow paperwhites is in shallow bowls filled with gravel or decorative stones, although any container ...