Created by Josh Wardle, a software engineer, Wordle was initially a personal project for his partner, but it was released publicly in October 2021. By January 2022, it had 300,000 daily users, with ...
The most important guess is your first, and the trick is to load up on vowels (A, E, I, O, and U). Some popular starting words people have ... here are some games like Wordle you can try today.
AUDIO and ADIEU are the most popular start words in the game, with around 12% of all Wordlers choosing that vowel-heavy approach for the first guess. They're not terrible choices – WordleBot ...
Are you a die-hard college football fan with an unmatched passion for the game? Get ready to combine your love for college football with the addictive challenge of the Wordle game! Engage your ...
The Eagles are back in the playoffs for the seventh time in the last eight years, and the fourth straight, thanks to a 14-3 campaign that saw Saquon Barkley join the exclusive 2,000-yard rushing club.
Wondering what’s going on with all the grey, green and yellow squares on your Twitter feed? Welcome to the wonderful world of Wordle. If you’ve been online at all over the last month, chances ...
Word guessing games have become a fun daily activity that has become the modern-day equivalent of crosswords. If you’ve got a lineup of daily word guessers you play, Contexto should definitely ...
Every day I check Wordle Bot to help analyze my guessing game ... I had many words to cut. I’m not sure if TAROT was the best choice, but it did slash that number down to just 5, and secured ...