During the run of Pokémon XY, the anime created a side series known as the "Mega Evolution Specials". These specials followed a trainer known as Alain, who fought with a Mega Charizard and aimed ...
The Pokémon anime is returning to delight fans with a dedicated YouTube channel, @OfficialPokémonTV, launching December 6, ...
Given the popularity of the Pokémon brand, it's no surprise that there are multiple feature-length movies to watch alongside the anime series. They often shine a light on exciting new Pokémon ...
Collection of movies released as part of the Pokémon: XY anime series.
"Pokémon" is a Japanese video game franchise that was adapted into a popular anime series ... you can watch select "Pokémon" episodes from the "XY," "XYZ," and "XY Kalos Quest" seasons as ...