Sugahara debuted the Minna no Tonio-chan manga series in 1999. The series inspired an animated special in 2004. The thought experiment revolving around the 500-Million-Year Button has been a ...
It’s time to watch ‘em all as Pokémon drops its most classic and nostalgic episodes on YouTube. Pokémon TV has officially ...
The Pokemon series is absolutely brimming with countless unique Pokemon that players can use in their teams. With hundreds of available Pokemon that each has a wide array of moves they are capable ...
Ranking the best Pokemon games is no simple task. As one of the most beloved series, everyone will have different entries they enjoyed the most. Whether it be because of a particular feature they ...
We’ll keep it regularly refreshed and remove events from the previous months that are no longer applicable. Niantic has now launched season 17 of Pokemon Go, Dual Destiny! This season is set to run ...
Pokémon Go hosts a Spotlight Hour every Tuesday. This special event sees spawn rates for one Pokémon boosted greatly. There’s also usually some kind of doubled up bonus, like doubled candy or ...
The Dover Demon will be back in Dan Da Dan Episode 10 releasing next week. Check out the premiere schedule as per your time zone.
SPOILER ALERT: Details follow for Season 12, Episode 9 of “The Masked Singer,” “Peanuts Night,” which aired Thursday, November 28 on Fox. It was a dual elimination on a special Thursday ...