Asiatic lilies are some of the earliest to bloom, starting in early summer. Purchase them as bulbs to plant in spring or fall, or as blooming plants at a garden center. Keep watered until established.
While peace lilies will bloom in spring, the steps you take now matters – as plant expert Graham Smith MCIHort from LBS Horticulture pointed out. "The best way to ensure peace lilies bloom white ...
One of the most beautiful and low-maintenance houseplants is the Peace lily. Apart from the regular, leaf-heavy plants grown indoors that are low-maintenance, Peace Lily Blossoms is a lovely white ...
As if by magic, these waxed bulbs grow and bloom almost anywhere you put them without needing any watering. Here's how to enjoy your own waxed amaryllis this holiday season. With the hustle and ...
Peace lilies are tropical plants that produce beautiful white flower-like spathes during spring and autumn. While an abundance of white spathes may be on the plant when bought in the shop ...
But what leaves owners scratching their heads is getting these plants to rebloom; sometimes the peace lily won't flower or, worse still, stops growing. For those struggling, it's worth remembering ...