Dragon Ball Legends is an action RPG mobile game based on the popular anime franchise with the same name, Dragon Ball. In the ...
Despite the fact that Vegeta has been transformed into a “first grader” thanks to the wish of the Demon Lord Gomah, that hasn ...
Dragon Ball GT sidelined Piccolo, but DAIMA brings him back into the spotlight, aiming to fix GT's flaws and improve upon the ...
If you choose to work with Piccolo, the story unfolds much like the anime. You'll enter the "Rematch and Result" episode, where Goku and Piccolo team up to fight Raditz. However, there's a twist.
These are just a few of the throwbacks that make Dragon Ball Z fans think Akria Toriyama and Toyotaro are echoing the past for a purpose. The “Namek Saga” saw Piccolo get a significant power ...