A "series of unfortunate events" led to the fate of a dog that was struck by a car on New Year's Day, not released to its owner, and died during the night at t Animal Shelter, city veterinarian Dr.
According to the American Kennel Club, "The Great Pyrenees is a large, thickly coated, and immensely powerful working dog ...
A family’s 12-year-old collie was killed in its own yard on the morning of Sept. 8 after three neighbourhood dogs jumped the ...
Gardeners are being urged to leave a bowl of dog food out in their gardens this weekend and through the next week. Our ...
New England wildlife experts say residents should never leave their pets outside alone from January through March because it ...
A family of five was home the moment an alleged drunk driver left the roadway, traveled down a hill, through a fence and ultimately through the front door of their house.
Her neighbors said it’s about time.People living on Plymouth Street have been warning police and Lucas County Canine Care and ...